The primary duty of the LEPC is to develop an emergency response plan for Cattaraugus County and its included municipalities, and to review such plan annually. This plan shall contain, as a minimum, all the elements set forth in PL 99-499 for such plans.
The LEPC has been established pursuant to Section 301 (c) of Public Law 99-499 the Emergency Planning and Right-To-Know Act of 1986, (100 Stat. 1738-58, October 17, 1986), hereinafter known as "PL 99-499." The LEPC shall have all the powers and duties conferred upon it by said law and as it may from time to time be amended.
The members of the LEPC shall be appointed by the New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission which has been designated by the Governor as the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), pursuant to Section 301(a) of PL 99-499, upon nomination by the LEPC, and shall include the following.
- Elected Local Official
- Elected State Official
- Law Enforcement Representatives
- Civil Defense Representative
- Firefighting / HazMat Representatives
- First Aid Representative
- Health Representative
- A Representative of a Local Environmental Group
- Hospital Representative
- Transportation Personnel
- Broadcast and Print Media Representative
- Community group representative
- Facility Owners and Operators Representatives: a minimum of three (3) representatives of facilities subject to the requirements of PL 99-499
- Other Representatives: those individuals whose interest, background, training and experience may be of value to the LEPC
For more information contact the Office of Emergency Services.