Cattaraugus County has moved the drive-thru COVID testing site that was formally located at the Allegany Firemen’s Grounds. The new site, beginning December 3, 2020, is located at 3799 [South] Nine Mile Rd in Allegany, NY. (Directions listed below.) This site is at the Intandem building (formerly the Rehab Center) just west Randy…
Travelers coming into New York State MUST comply with NYS COVID-19 Traveler Advisory. Please click on the following links for more information:
Travel Advisory Guidance
Executive Order
Per the Governor’s Executive Order 202.16, issued on April 12, 2020, provides the following directive:
For all essential businesses or entities, any employees who are present in the workplace shall be provided and shall wear face coverings when in direct contact with customers or members of the public. Businesses must provide, at their expense,…
As per the Governor’s Executive Order issued on April 12, 2020, Essential businesses, as well as state and local government agencies and authorities, must procure, fashion, or otherwise obtain face coverings and provide such coverings to employees who directly interact with the public during the course of their work at no-cost to the employee.…
March 31, 2020, 12:00
It is well known that N95, surgical, and other medical masks are in extremely short supply. One alternative is the use of cotton cloth masks that can be handmade. Cattaraugus County Office of Emergency Services is taking donations of handmade masks that we can distribute to healthcare…
Since 2009, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has enforced this annual burn ban to reduce the number of wildfires and their subsequent damage. During this time period, all residential burning of brush is prohibited. Over the past 9 years, due to this regulation, wildfires have decreased across the state by more than 40…
Due to growing public health concerns and directive modifications from Governor Andrew Cuomo, Legislature Chairman, Howard VanRensselaer has declared that all Cattaraugus County transfer stations will be open their normal operating days and times starting on Monday, March 23, 2020.
Commercial haulers are still required to go to their…
Current COVID-19 status update for Cattaraugus County:
82 mandatory quarantine
14 precautionary quarantine
33 samples awaiting results
0 positive cases as of 3/19/2020; 10:20 AM
Very very limited tests available in the county at this time.
Current COVID-19 status update for Cattaraugus County, as of 3/19/2020; 10:20 AM:
82 mandatory quarantine
14 precautionary quarantine
33 samples awaiting results
0 positive cases
Very very limited tests available in the county at this time.
Cattaraugus County, through the combined actions of the Legislature Chairman, Howard VanRensselaer, and the County Administrator, John R. Searles, has declared a State of Emergency in response to…
Cattaraugus County hereby declares a State of Emergency effective at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 15, 2020.
State of Emergency Declaration
Cattaraugus County hereby declares a State of Emergency effective at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 15, 2020.
This local State of Emergency has been declared due to Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19), which the World…
Reminder of the annual, New York state-wide burn ban from March 16 - May 14
Since 2009, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has enforced this annual burn ban to reduce the number of wildfires and their subsequent damage. During this time period, all residential burning of brush is prohibited. Over the past 9 years, due…
2 Openings for State Fire Instructors Assigned to Cattaraugus County
Attached below for download is a canvass letter from New York State (NYS) Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC), a division of the NYS Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES), with details outlining the application process for State Fire Instructor…
UPDATED TIME AND LOCATION (updated 3/11/2019)
New York State Citizen Preparedness Corps Training
With severe weather events becoming more frequent and more extreme, it is more important than ever that New Yorkers are prepared for disasters. The NY Citizen Preparedness Training Program teaches residents to have the tools and resources to…
Attached below for download are several press releases regarding storm preparedness measures taken by power companies.
Updates on the storm are best viewed on Facebook @CattCoPrepared, or Cattaraugus County Individual and Family Emergency Preparedness page. Critical information will be posted here, as we are able.