March 31, 2020, 12:00
It is well known that N95, surgical, and other medical masks are in extremely short supply. One alternative is the use of cotton cloth masks that can be handmade. Cattaraugus County Office of Emergency Services is taking donations of handmade masks that we can distribute to healthcare workers and community members in need.
Donation bins are set up to collect homemade mask donations for the Coronavirus response. We ask donors to prewash the masks when possible and to include a note with their name, mailing address, and phone number so we know where to send our thanks. Beginning tomorrow, April 1, donations will be accepted at the following locations:
Cattaraugus County Center Building at 303 Court St in Little Valley. Bin is located just inside the main entrance between the automatic doors. Open during normal County business hours.
Cattaraugus County Building in Olean at Leo Moss Drive. Bin is located just inside the main entrance between the automatic doors. Open during normal County business hours.
Hedley Brook Insurance at 818 West State St in Olean. Call 716-474-9429 to arrange a drop off between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Lil’s Diner at 9682 Main Street in Machias, bin available during business hours.
The Master’s Plan Café at 9586 Railroad Street in Dayton, bin available during business hours.
We welcome offers to set up additional donation collection points at businesses or community organizations by calling 716-938-9119.
We encourage everyone to visit the County website that has been created to share Coronavirus/ COVID-19 information: www.cattco.org/coronavirus and to follow ongoing updates on our Facebook pages:
Cattaraugus County Individual & Family Emergency Preparedness @CattCoPrepared
Cattaraugus County Health Department @CattCoHealth
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