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Economic Development Strategy - Volume 7
Linkages Between Allegany State Park & Nearby Communities
Smart Development for Quality Communities Guidebook Series
Cattaraugus County, December 31, 2002)

The Saratoga Associates and Cattaraugus County collaborated in the preparation of this guidebook, which presents an overall strategy for improving linkages between the state park and various communities around the park. This new approach moves beyond conventional economic development by (1) integrating lessons learned from similar gateway communities throughout the United States, by (2) recommending economic development projects that have support in regional markets, and by (3) presenting siting techniques and architectural designs to protect tourist sensitive resources in Allegany State Park and surrounding communities. It estimates that 2,400 or more new jobs would be created by the proposed demonstration projects by 2025 if the Route 219 Freeway is constructed and if an aggressive marketing effort is made beginning in 2005 (the official announcement that the freeway will be built was made in September 2003).

Volumes 5, 6 and 7 (as a set) received the Western New York Section of the American Planning Association's "2004 Outstanding Planning Award for Comprehensive Planning".

This guidebook is extremely large, thus it is broken into several sections below that can be downloaded.

Download Volume 7 Files