"Cattaraugus County's public transportation system will play a vital role in the sustainability and growth of our communities."
"Our mission is to work collaboratively to create a system that identifies needs, understands resources, maximizes access and mobility, and minimizes costs for the entire community."
The Community Transportation Coalition of Cattaraugus County was organized in 2008 and is composed of County agencies, not-for-profits and other interested parties. It was formed in response to the need for a "Locally Developed, Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan". Participation in such a plan is a necessary requirement for certain Federal funding programs. Other factors that brought the group together included fluctuating fuel costs and a depressed rural economy.
The purpose of the plan is to identify the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities, older adults, people with low incomes, and the general public, provide strategies for meeting those local needs, and prioritize transportation services for funding and implementation. Agencies that wish to apply for funding under the Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities Program (Section 5310), the Jobs Access Reverse Commute Program (Section 5316), and the New Freedom Program (Section 5317) need to participate in this plan. In addition, those counties and small cities that seek funding in the Section 5311 Non-Urbanized and Rural Program are encouraged to participate in the plan. These Federal Transit Administration programs are administrated by the New York State Department of Transportation.
The Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for Cattaraugus County was adopted by the Cattaraugus County Legislature on August 25th, 2009 and has been updated continuously every 5 years since then. The coordinated plan is intended to be flexible. The transportation needs in Cattaraugus County will evolve over time and further opportunities to address transportation gaps or redundancies will be discovered.