Cattaraugus County has been working in conjunction with hazard mitigation consultant Tetra Tech, Inc. since July 2019 to update the County’s Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). Each municipality within the County has collaborated to develop respective mitigation strategies. The full, updated HMP plan is now available for review and comment at the HMP website:
Feedback from municipality officials and members of the public is welcomed and encouraged during the public comment period beginning October 19, 2020 and concluding November 19, 2020, upon which date the draft of the updated HMP and comments will undergo a final review by planning partners and members of the public from 6:00-8:00 p.m. All interested parties are invited to virtually attend this review meeting. The meeting link is available on the Calendar page of the HMP website.
For more information or to submit feedback, contact Kimberly Merrill at the Cattaraugus County Department of Public Works via email at or by calling (716) 938-2480.
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