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Health Department

December 29, 2021



Health Department Receives Training on COVID Fatigue

OLEAN, NEW YORK (December 29, 2021) — Employees from the Cattaraugus County Health Department recently received training on how to overcome COVID Fatigue. This seminar, entitled Imagine 23: Overcoming COVID Fatigue, seeks to help people not only overcome COVID fatigue and other personal issues, but to rewire their mindset for long-lasting positive change and success. Business consultant and guest lecturer, Joseph Pillittere of The Pillittere Group, partnered with the Cattaraugus County Health Department to conduct this training.

Based on cognitive and positive psychology, this seminar showed participants how to use their own abilities to carry out the program’s action steps for positive change. These same techniques have been used in business to help people overcome problems for positive results. Hands-on activities and open discussions promoted awareness and created insight for implementing these positive changes.

“COVID fatigue is real and it's affecting the mental health of children and adults alike, said Pillittere.  I developed this program to give back to my community. It’s something that my parents always taught me to do, and it’s a strong value I continue to hold to this very day.”

Frustrating and heartbreaking events caused by the pandemic left some people feeling helpless, uncertain, and full of anxiety and stress. This in turn created feelings of depression, loneliness, and less motivation. According to health professionals, if left unchecked, this type of mental exhaustion can impact our personal and professional life.

“Mr. Pillittere’s program will certainly benefit the Health Department’s management staff in dealing with COVID Fatigue and other issues,” said Dr. Kevin Watkins, Cattaraugus County Public Health Director. “This training is an investment in the health and well-being of our employees. For nearly two years, the health department’s staff has been on the front lines during the pandemic; and it’s important that we continue to find ways to keep them healthy both mentally and physically.”



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