The United States Election Assistance Commission has proclaimed January 25th National Poll Worker Recruitment Day and the New York State Board of Elections is asking all registered voters to pitch in and Help New York Vote for the June 28th primary election and November 8th general election.
“Poll workers provide a critical service to New Yorkers by ensuring elections are open and accessible to all voters. National Poll Worker Recruitment Day aims to address the critical shortage of poll workers and strengthen our democracy by encouraging more people to become poll workers in their communities.,” said Kristen Zebrowski Stavisky, Co-Executive Director of the State Board of Elections.
“Even with the expansion of absentee voting options, millions of New Yorkers prefer to cast their ballot in person,” said Douglas Kellner, State Commissioner of Elections. Having an adequate number of poll workers to staff polling places for Early Voting and Election Day, protects all voters’ right to equitable ballot access.”
“Traditionally, older New Yorkers have taken on the task of serving as poll workers for our elections. In New York State, 55 percent of all poll workers are over the age of 60, making them especially vulnerable to complications if they contract COVID-19,’ said Peter Kosinski, Co-Chair of the State Board. “On National Poll Worker Recruitment Day, we are encouraging voters of all ages to step up and volunteer to serve as a poll worker in the primary and general elections.”
“Poll workers are critical to the success of an election, and ensure voters receive the assistance they need at the polls,” said Todd Valentine, Co-Executive Director of the State Board of Elections. “Poll Workers receive compensation for training and each day they work. By signing up to be a poll worker, you can Help New York Vote and be rewarded for performing your civic role.”
As a poll worker, you will prepare the polling place for voting, set up voting equipment, sign-in and process voters, enforce social distancing, demonstrate voting procedures, sanitize voting equipment, assist voters, close the polling place, and canvass and report election results.
To be eligible, you must be a New York State registered voter. If you are 17 years old, you may be eligible if your school district participates in a program under Education Law Section 3207-a. Interpreters do not need to be registered voters. You will be assigned within the county where you live. If you live in New York City, you will be assigned within the five boroughs.
Poll Workers get paid for training and each election day they work. Applying is simple. If you live outside New York City, fill out the form found here: www.elections.ny.gov/BecomePollworker.html. If you live in New York City, please fill out the form found here: https://nyc.electiondayworker.com.
If you have any questions, please contact the Cattaraugus County Board of Elections office at 716-938-2400.
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