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Administrator's Office

Directive 15-2020 Cattaraugus County, New York

I, Howard V. VanRensselaer, Chairman, Cattaraugus County Legislature, in accordance with a declaration of a State of Emergency issued on March 15, 2020, and thereby extended on April 14, 2020, and further extended on May 14, 2020, and pursuant to Section 25 of the State Executive Law, hereby issue the following directive:

Cattaraugus County continues to operate with a reduced workforce pursuant to the Governor's Executive Orders 202.6, 202.28, and 202.31. In anticipation of reopening County operations, all Cattaraugus County Departments shall develop a reopening plan.

Each Department Reopening Plan shall incorporate various safety measures including but not limited to social distancing protocols, remote work-from-home when possible protocols, mandatory screening pursuant to Directive 11-2020, wearing face coverings when unable to social distance, use of personal protective equipment, COVID-19 training as assigned by Human Resources, and proper cleaning and disinfectant measures.

Each Department shall use the attached template as guidance to prepare the reopening plan, and submit the reopening plan to the County Administrator by no later than 5 p.m. on May 29, 2020.

This Directive is effective immediately and shall remain in effect until rescinded or until the State of Emergency expires, whichever occurs first.

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