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Public Works

Every year, we experience the impacts of a variety of hazards, including floods, landslides, severe storms, winter storms, utility interruption (such as power outages), and wildfires/brush fires. To develop our strategy for reducing the likelihood and/or impact of these hazards, we are currently in the process of updating the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Part of this plan update requires the input of stakeholders, including members of the public.

Update on 9/14/2020: This meeting took place last Thursday, September 3, and includes important information and discussion regarding the Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan update. The recorded meeting can be accessed here:

A public survey can be found at the following link:

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey, and share the link on social media so that we can maximize public engagement during this process. Thank you!

Take the Survey

Please contact Kimberly Merrill ( or 716-938-2480) at the Department of Public Works with any questions regarding Hazard Mitigation.

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