News From:
Historical Museum & Research Center

The Cattaraugus County Museum is pleased to announce that effective immediately we have reopened to the public.
In light of the current and ongoing efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19, visitors and researchers are asked to follow some new guidelines when using our facilities.
They are:
- Please practice social distancing. Masks are encouraged when interacting with staff or other patrons.
- A hand-washing station with antibacterial soap is available in the restroom. Hand sanitizer is available at multiple locations and visitors are encouraged to use it.
- There will be a cap of 10 visitors in the museum at any given time. If this cap is reached, the door will be closed and new visitors will be asked to wait until space has been made.
- Researchers are welcome. We will do all that we can to assist you. Gloves will be provided for the handling of archival materials. Please note that we have limited work space and may have to put a cap on the number of researchers at a given time in order to maintain social distancing protocols.
- Staff will disinfect commonly touched surfaces as often as practicable.
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