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** Suffocation, Entrapment, and Fall Hazard Alert! **

The product, iCraves high chairs, are recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) until further notice.  They do not comply with federal safety standards for high chairs and for infant sleep products and pose a suffocation risk, as well as entrapment and fall hazards to infants.

Washington D.C. - The high chairs fail to meet performance requirements under the mandatory safety standard for high chairs, posing entrapment and fall hazards. The high chairs also fail to meet the safety requirements of CPSC’s Infant Sleep Products Rule and the Safe Sleep for Babies Act, because they were marketed for infant sleep and have an incline angle greater than 10 degrees, posing a suffocation risk. The high chairs and their packaging also lack a tracking label containing certain required information, such as the date of manufacture, which is required for children’s products including durable infant or toddler products.



CPSC urges consumers to stop using the high chairs immediately, disassemble the seat from the frame, cut the padding, and dispose of all the parts separately.

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